Effortless Wardrobe Organisation
What is the best way to organise your wardrobe?
Wardrobe organisation is a task that many of us struggle with. We reach for clothing daily, sometimes multiple times a day, pulling out different items to go with each occasion, which then need to be washed, ironed, folded and hung up! It’s no wonder that it can feel a bit endless and difficult to get on top of. So here are my top tips for getting your wardrobe in ship shape, so that finding what you need and getting dressed is a breeze!
How to declutter your wardrobe
Start by taking everything out as go through each item and decide whether you will keep, discard or donate. If there are clothes which you want to keep but need to be mended or altered, put these in a separate bag and place them somewhere obvious, they should not go back into your wardrobe!
How to categorise your clothes
I usually do this by type – 1) Work 2) Formal 3) Casual 4) Activewear 5) Underwear 6) Sleepwear 7) Accessories
Then within these categories, I sub-categorise by type, colour and length. For example, you might have work clothes sub-categorised into tops by sleeve length and colour.
This is a really important step, not only because it will help you to see exactly how much you have of each item of clothing but also where you may have a gap. E.g., are there five tops that you love but you are missing a skirt or a pair of trousers that would go with them? This step will also inform how it’s best to organise. i.e. do you require more drawer space, hanging space or smaller storage for accessories etc? Do this step first, so you can see exactly what you have and what storage solutions you may need.
Tips for decluttering clothes
If you are struggling to let go of an item because it’s the wrong size, ask yourself "would I wear this now if it would fit?"
If an item of clothes makes you feel bad about yourself - it needs to go!
Apart from formal attire or seasonal sports (I’m thinking of things like ski wear or wet suits here), if you haven’t worn something in the last six months and you can’t see yourself wearing it in the next six, then it can go.
The 80/20 rule holds true for most people in that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. One trick is to turn all your hangers one way and only turn them back if you have worn the item. You can do this in drawers by popping a dot sticker on each item and only removing it when you come to wear that item. Check back in a few months to see what you haven’t worn – you’ll be surprised!
How to store clothes in an organised & accessible way
Think about what is most appropriate for your household, and lifestyle and what works for your available space. You may find it easier to roll or hang clothes rather than fold them. Whatever works for you and will be easiest to maintain is the best solution! My top tip is to buy packs of socks that are identical, so there's no need to find matching pairs, you can just chuck them all in a pretty basket and get on with your day 😊
Move adjustable shelves to get the most efficient layout.
Create zones by category type and for each person if you are sharing a closet.
If you need shoe storage or drawers, look for standalone units that can fit inside your wardrobe.
Use baskets and bins within drawers to separate categories.
Space-saving solutions
I swear by file folding clothes as a great way to save space. This method works best in drawers or in open shelving as it allows you to see all your clothing items at glance, making it easier to find what you are looking for. When folding clothes in drawers, use drawer dividers or boxes (shoe boxes are great for this) to create sections for each clothing type.
If you are tight on space, consider other areas for clothing storage. Space on top of the wardrobe or under the bed is an often under-utilised option for storage.
Vacuum storage bags are a great way to save space and protect your off-season clothes from dust, moisture, and insects.
Space-saving hangers can literally double your wardrobe space. The only clothes I don't recommend using them for are suit jackets and delicate fabrics, like silk, as they can pull them out of shape. For these, the best hangers wide and round-ended or padded.
If you have shelf storage – pull-out bins with labels are an easy way to keep things neat, tidy and easily accessible.
Professional Wardrobe Organising Service in London
Curate My Space can transform your cluttered wardrobe into an organised oasis that will make getting ready a joy. Get in touch to book your consultation.